Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Responsibilities of a CEO

Enterpreneurs do business with the objective of making money, generate wealth and create assets. Business is a system of serving more and more with less and less on sustainable basis and in the process achieving the objective.

Enterpreneur may be one or more or many. They manage thru CEO or equivalent who manages by managing the managers (who further manage by managing the people who further manage the processes.)

Responsibilities of a C.E.O. / G.M.

* Increase the topline (Sales); Growth opportunities

* Improve the bottomline (Reduce Costs, Increase Profits)

* Increase / maintain the market share; Manage Tieups / Mergers / Acquisitions / New Markets & Segments & Uses / Diversifications / Integrations / Expansions

* Ensure sustainability of the business; Improve / Change to remain futuristic; Identify opportunities, challenges, S.W.O.T., Trends, Competition, Sector, Customers

* Ensure effective and efficient operations thru Culture, Systems, TQM

* Arrange funds, Manage Debt and Equity, Manage Acounts and Cashflow

* PR, Lobbying for policies etc.

* CEO is the overall custodian /caretaker of the business

* Statutory compliances

* Special Projects

CEO-ship is more of a state of mind than a mere job!

1 comment:

  1. Increase the company's growth opportunities, build a good culture in organization and run the business very carefully these are the main and most important responsibilities of any company's CEO.

    ceo rater
